Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Zombies have taken over my household. As summer continues my children get less and less creative with their abilities to entertain themselves and more and more reliant on video games to keep from being "bored". Let me be clear, I don't let them constantly play the video games but everytime I turn around they are wanting to play one or I am having to take up a Nintendo DSi and tell the user to "go use your imagination!". Yesterday Abram (my 4 year old) tried to coax me into just a few more minutes of Wii time because he "forgot how to use his 'magination", he even claimed, "I yost it". Hmmm. When my children play video games it looks like zombies have taken over their bodies. They sit and stare straight ahead and nothing moves but their fingers. *Shiver* I see their "brains" being eaten up by electronics. The problem is that we have too many forms of electronic entertainment. We have a Wii, a Playstation, an iPad, two DSi's, and of course the computer. In a pinch they will go hunt my iphone to get a fix. All of this comes with another set of problems. Abram has become terrified of zombies. Thank you daddy and your iPad game of Plants Vs. Zombies. Which, by the way, Noah (my 8 year old) is OBSESSED with. My poor little guy now will no longer go to the restroom by himself because he is afraid a "jombie" will get him. No longer does he go into his own room and play with his Batcave and Army guys by himself. If I leave a room with him in it, he practically crawls up my pant leg in order to make it out of there with me.
And...alright, I have a confession to make. I'm a zombie, too. No, no...not because of video games. It's because I have an almost 4 month old that doesn't sleep through the night consistently, yet and a husband that snores like a chainsaw. I get up in the mornings and stumble through my day red eyed and sluggish. In fact, I probably looking like something out of "Night of the Living Dead". So, you see, zombies have taken over my home--enter at your own risk!

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