Saturday, July 17, 2010


God has something really special in store for me. How do I know this? It's simple, really. I am the mother of 3 boys. If you're thinking "big deal" right now, you must either not have a son or you must have one of those really rare species of boy that does what he is told, is calm and quiet, and doesn't wrestle with his siblings like little bear cubs ever chance he gets. Yesterday exemplified the typical day at my house. My middle son is part billy goat, of that I am convinced. As we are getting in the car and buckling his car seat he says to me, "mom...there was something green sticking out of my shoe and I ate it". "WHAT?", I say. "Uh, yeah...there was something green, probably a plant (pwant is really how he says it), sticking out of my shoe and I ate it. Will I die?". Of course I give him the whole speech about NOT putting things in our mouths, we don't know where they come from, etc. I tell him no, he's not going to die but some plants are poisonous. You know the drill. As he fell asleep in his car seat on the way home I thought to myself, "Yep...I'm in BIG trouble". He is going to be the one who will buck every rule. He is going to be the one to question everything. This boy is going to break my heart. I can already see it. But, he will be the one to pick up the pieces, too. He is the one that reminds my husband to buy me flowers on Valentine's Day. He is the one that tells daddy he needs to take mommy on a date. He is the one who lobbied for a cake for my birthday. He picks flowers and gives them to me because I'm a "bewiful girwl wif my hair down" (translation-Beautiful girl with my hair down). He holds my heart right in his grimy little hand. You know what, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

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