Sunday, July 18, 2010


I had a really strange dream last night. In my dream, my mother pulled my legs off (they were detachable) and was using them and wouldn't give them back to me. No matter how much I pleaded. She said she needed them more than I did. Okay, aside from the fact that it was a FREAKY dream it got me thinking. Doesn't it seem like as moms we get blamed for just about everything? When my oldest was a little bitty guy he would randomly trip and fall (he's as graceful as his mother) and then turn and blame me for it. Even if I was on the other side of the house! "Mommy, you pushed me!" , he would accuse angrily. No way I could convince him that I was in fact folding laundry on the couch at the time of the alleged shoving. My 4 year old accused me just this morning of my brain making him act naughty. I didn't actually realize I had that kind of power but I'm thinking it may come in handy someday. Can you imagine what we, as mothers, could do with that ability? My house would always be clean. Not by ME of course, by my mind controlled children. Stressful shopping trips would be a thing of the past! No more whining for toys and crying for candy in the checkout line. Nope. My mind controlled children would be the most well behaved kiddos in the store. No more wrestling, hitting, biting, or pinching each other. My little angels would sit lovingly together reading books and conversing of their love for me and each other. Yeah right, and then I woke up!

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